
The main goal of the iJM is to support the society towards a climate resilient and sustainable pavement infrastructure. Road infrastructure is one of the important assets needed to develop countries to a higher level for future generations. The environmental and societal impact is significant and can only be improved by engineers with a multidisciplinary approach and a broad vision on future availability of technologies, materials, people and processes. This multidisciplinary approach can be presented for example the use of sensor technology to estimate asset maintenance, digitalisation processes related to materials and processes to increase circularity, quality and effectiveness of the infrastructure sector, selection and recycling of materials in order to secure health of workers, users and surrounding residents now and in the future.  

The organising universities and industrial partners compiled this master following the philosophy  that future challenges can only be solved on a holistic, international and multidisciplinary approach. This approach doesn’t stop at countries’ borders, but is international, even global: climate change, environmental impact, use of new materials, development of new IT technology etc. 

This way the master connects students from different countries, with specific design and material selection methodology, health monitoring, planning, people and management processes. The courses are selected in order to introduce innovative and emerging approaches in pavement engineering for the next generation of students and professionals. Communication, networking and the ability to use data by machine learning in the transportation sector is required to achieve future challenges.

This joint master will deliver the next generation masters who will decide on infrastructure for the next 100 years. 

The JM will collaborate with several associate partners from all 5 continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. A transfer of skills and expertise are clustered to develop sustainable solutions for the complex future challenges. 

These associate partners will be in charge of: 

  • presenting guest lectures, 
  • hosting and connecting visiting students to industry,  
  • supervising internships and master thesis.

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